Steel is a malleable alloy of iron.
There are a few thousand odd varieties of steel in use. All of them differ in their chemical composition.

Chemical composition of steel divide them into two major groups,

  1. Plain carbon steel  (read more)
  2. Alloy steel  (read more)
Mild steels are produced in larg amount due to their relatively low economical cost.
Production cost of low carbon steel is high and increase as we decrease carbon content < 0.20-0.25 %.

For vast general applications use of plain carbon steels is more than adequate.

Mild steels are widely used for constructional purposes.

Flat products are generally produced from low carbon steels because of their much better malleability which enables their easy rolling into thin sections.

High carbon steels are used for making cutting tools because of their associated better hardness.

Properties of alloy steels vary with type of element added and its content. These also vary significantly with combinations of elements added. Far wider thermo-mechanical treatments are possible in case of alloy steels and which lead to versatile combinations of properties.